Saturday, December 28, 2019



seeps on a chair
seeds on the floor
stool burns


\neck lurches toward the throne/

stool seeds stool seeds stool
seed stools seed stools seed
stool seeds stool seeds stool
seed stools seed stools seed

drown the gun

shot shoulder lunch constriction
ate livered crowbar rust
chair plate sherds
crisp towel blood face
lap gravel heap stand
and clatter webby
door flickery wall por
trait swims echo
drifts swoll open neck
drain vacant sigh in
floor fleeing ants and dust

knot crawls unra vel l ed

shoe tooth
luz sin espejo

ant authority stick
a blade

...Ah, la jodida
Luz. Como si follara consigo misma. Como si
Se mamase su propia vulva...”
- Roberto Bolaño

o sea
:itchy name arrinconado hojas grises
un zapato siniestro sin lengua
me abrí la pluma desangrada
para saborear su viento de noche
fragor del tren de carbón bituminoso
cadáveres disecados por
...un titipuchal de años.”

.anti dawn anti dawn anti dawn.
..ants dawn ants dawn ants dawn..
...anti dawn anti dawn anti dawn...
....ants dawn ants dawn ants dawn....

green sleeper
turns in mud



Tuesday, December 17, 2019

cloud agate

~wind ~

exit thru the hinder leg
ice in coffin
shoes tumbled on pillow
cracks scatter up
window glass a horn
bleats curb
wind crunches in my ear
thru in on up in
...graveled mouth...

lung sweat
yr nostril floats

no winds no winds no winds
nos wind nos wind nos wind
no winds no winds no winds
nos wind nos wind nos wind
~ ~ ~

dicho líquido

flood itch oropéndola son
ido goteante nube hoja lat
ida mi ojo siniestro sueña el
derecho pulsante son aguas
negras se queman sofocadas
pasado mañana tenedor der
retido nube perpendicular del
ayer que veré tal vez quizá pue
de ser agua que ahable


blind. smeared letters e l k k l é
cross face room wind my b
lack fingered knee f
old s back utter groan 'n f
ork turns beneath uh window
shade key where's thought
pocket pokes lint driedout
pens i's x's b's wall of liquid
windows face drowned heaving
door ¿shutopen?            arm shot past

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


dang thunder wall
begat a snore
forget the hat's iceberg
all yr spit impales
los alfileres desahuciados
con tu sangre o
yo mis muletas tomo
agujagua indefenso

son mis alfileres

deshechos vivos

slaw, tal vez, el recuerdo remotísimo de
mí misma en la memoria de otra
que yo he imaginado ser.”
- Salvador Elizondo -

de migas echadas
. . . . . . .

cloudy hull
sand net
torn leg

yr stapled breeze creaks in the wall
head a wallpaper stain
my window

endoejectomy endonegafistic endodementivista

seeps cheek seeps cheek seeps cheek
cheeks seep cheeks seep cheeks seep
d e e p s l e e p
cheeks seep cheeks seep cheeks seep
seeps cheek seeps cheek seeps cheek
)wind rustles in yr skinless ankle(

volcan muet

eat the storm dragged flood
yr focal hat contusion
mute fork ,rotting slaw
your tongue returns
inside yr missing head
it's dog repellant
sand in eyes a
thumb a

inside the water
a window shade
corpse or egg
swoll throat

reloj vacío

futilísmo útil


Thursday, December 5, 2019

arrival dancing said

arrival dancing said message arrived
spoke ashamed watch not truth eyes
timid seen perhaps ugly not house
revive pain progress compelled pesters
rags mountains burn songs price
danced dog revive face wag surely
one next heart face extracted
surely see grabbed head face leaf
drunk arise to us grabbed it dead
torn open sensed next self him
stuffed ants weep named our names
endured our faces word become
now blood not grass importance
seizure loss day ruin strife
foundation ruins violence maize
dried pit incense center house
level time earth burned name sprouts

De-reading the Popol Vuh - 18

egg text

your weight glowing on the
couch thinking mirror mud
dirty eggs slush poesía ar
sénica knotted suit silt yr
sudden nylon emptied flea
illuminsalot broke legshands
inmemorates the knack text

pie shit

pie es sp ear row school
adusted gel dilute fork rat
squirming manuscript worms
ah wrong fish hub diameter
descripted liips fire foams'
facit horse curse , copies yours
,ashtray urged with shiit

After Jim Leftwich's dReams EAt ThE ReaL ,
2019, (August 7, 8, 29)