Sunday, October 27, 2019

no sé lo que sé

ay qué nubes fosforecentes
la ruta taxidermista de mi
cacarne rumorífica puesta la
tumba que lamo boquilúgubre
twist's the thing yr stark slot
drying ¡qué ubres más urbes!
flotan por el río de sangre y
aceite con teléfonos y ladrillos
es la biblioteca la babositeca
de mi túnel ofídico ¿por qué el
por qué? no hay contestalabio que
me deplique que me hexplique ni
ojo que me pergunte la pregunta la
plegunta que sepa incontestatar
ni in concienti t azar me
finish skeletons gnaw

finish skeletons gnaw heart die eat
B'alam's sweet fire roasted alone only
now bat snouts eaten self sounds
ojiajo ojiajo ojiajo wisdom dawn
head wings cut off place rustles
early morning rotten squash rolls sky
seeds now Juraqan crowded blackens
root face possum soot good threat ball
rabbit bounced tomatoes found seeds
chilcayote face rubber seers died
affliction visionary asked of this not
we sign stones hot death scatter
canyon river ground water bones
manifest if not oven pit cooked
drink jump plucked hands face
descended shouting sank appear
fronts backs centipede burned
merely throw did now in death

De-reading the Popol Vuh - 17

Monday, October 21, 2019

ever chewed

even food unveiled was table
fire for them umbilical bur
ied whisker skull olvido
sez offal chapter half it
writ when itched when
clotted bowl up raised the
knotted grass the armpit
sugar hair writhing on
a sheet sin dentadura

rotten harp nude

rotten harp nude journey sun
married road son B'alam sea
knowledge left Aj Popol bone
flute powder drum yellow shell snail
food bowl other writing side to it
essence first revealed complete now
all died behind settled ancient Jaq'awitz
citadel begat gift compassion dead
residence investigated afflictions face
received white-washed house en
chantment anger house not hearts dis
turbance feeling in is well tried fire there
one murdered facedness fell war
back clamor pay enslaved offense
captured root creation shield mockery
entrance bloodletting division drink
food sisters names agreed married
abandoned lineage sign off top

De-reading the Popol Vuh - 23

backside glyph
-Para Lola López-Cózar

backside glyph slit retreation
one of them old streaked m
asks y sudo sueño sudo sueño su
su ño ño la luz el agua la l
una los infinitivos el humo el
mapa el va cío en la tina un
pie y tenedor c rack w rit vis
aje surtrasado abrasado walk b
ack ackforwar d empapado en
mi secura la seca que llueve ,án
dale ,seguir adelante por ir atrás