Monday, May 11, 2009

And Am

your pandemic stillness floats out
side the implication of your temp
lo mayor the scattered drenching
of my gritted soup .sin boca
,scalding ,blat half I entered
off the bacon of your scal
loped height your long upper
lip fraying in the wind .so
spreak the pressure bars and
spell which way the doorway falls


mated an muddied ,matter flatly
tendenced to remain I ,am ble
,brake a loaf ,pestered I the
lap gunner where a throttled
monkey glazed an oily pool
.a pool or hairdo flacking in
the wind ah netinsect !none
tubes of throated primate sleep
)or sleep(


the chamber floorer clucks and dries the
spindel shoot ,my shoe crumbled in a
corner ,lapper disk ,towel flab numb
ered seven or was nine was chute
inside my crab lens .hintication stla
mmers my rrêves forked the sh
ape of book an egg .gainst the pen
I leaned ,shimmered and shimmed
,lab results stroking my leg I ,spraw
led beside yr shorter thigh and
trained .cowlike guttered in the rain


metido en las honduras rizadas
subí .la capa peluquera ,mis
números ,que sus pedos echan sus
pechos ,pechuguero lambiscón ,lo
garítmico el tronar infantil o
la visión invista de la piedra en
vejecida )vejiga ,velo
,la( rapidez de mi camisa lo
grada sintomática singólica
y tosida en la noche del infarto

El Dólar a la Deriva

entre el cogote y la taxonomía e
conómica entre la cumbre y mi s
entido entre lo blanco y mis t
úneles humectantes el furgón y
la postura el chile y la sonda
monta )monte muerta y( más
cosida de bolos o bolusantos .mi
s laderas mis )trinos y tus( hum
aredas ahogadas en mi labio m
is pagos lentitudes que tus mo
nedas espuman y hunden y flo


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