Monday, April 28, 2014

the skins

less lint less lung less
spray it less no more th
an less intentition wh
ere the foggy ham l
int erior will talked
the ham lint’s less
fork head fork lint be
hind not here’s the
fork broke lung cou
ghing up the rain the
l int lo int orcido in
tomado int uercado me
nos reposo que pelusa
men os peldaño que
por cino


the sting

less lint less lung less
lint less lung less lint
less lung less lint less
lung less lint less lung
less li  fog ham nt less
lung less lint less lung
less lint less lung less
lint less lung less lint
less lung less lint less


the scorn

il y aura une table with a
tale a counter of the decks
des rues que disparaissent
where the swelling neck was
looked “where” des noms que
s’effacent ,certain stealth
,dans la baraque ,falling o
ver ,mot pour mot ,needles
de notre passage

                      faire entrer du monde

Avec des phrases de «Baraka» de
Frédérique Guetat-Liviani

the house

upper ham in dented
,what if ended what the
thought ,outer spiel
,apt in habitation ,rai
se yr corn ,the t
umbler worn ,past
the bulb ,yr k
nife pissing off the
bone ,or speech ,a
crawling thing ,plo
tting toward the fork
,remembered ,but was
got  .remaindered sore
,outer cloud ,the
nut half snored

inching ,lifting ,poured


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