Saturday, March 22, 2014

the chore

the runny rice your leg
shakes off the rice in
gredient runny cheek
revolved the mirror’s
rice sticky on the
glass your runny
documents your rice
fulgor revolving on
the runny couch the
door returns the
runny sidewalk says
your face your rice
your runny habituation

...soon torn...

the sandwich

the absosorbtion of your
what you saw your what
you see’s the feathered
edge the feathered hand
spread behind your back
connection of the hair and
faucet spread tresses or
convection to the eye the
hair the spig got spraying
at your face was sp raying
said upon the wall your
face your fac e

...oil ,hair ~

the sawdust

es capada ,nor intensa
,intonso was escaped and
hairless was a broken egg a
sticky comb held against a
skull was lentes broken
,narcos ,cabildo de sangre de
rramada was yr thought
reversion ,enrevesado ,fono
emético ,reversion of the
neck you left behind ,be
hind the bathroom mirror
which was la puerta ,mirror
toward the sticky stairs

...funerales ,y roncar.

the split

leg’s shadow ,s nore ,l
ame the cloud the cloud
shadow fingered was the
filthy soap was fingered
on the egg the egg gl
eaming in a tree glea
ming in your lap a bed
of soggy leaves bene
ath the chair benea
th the splintered wood
the shadow slides a
way the wall is blank

...the cloud the egg...


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