Saturday, March 22, 2014

the membrane

it is a long SUIT murder
identified SUIT transcende
leg lint SUIT bloody taste
kinda foamy SUIT morning
muttered tox SUIT poetid
fungus foot SUIT spelling
cloud defecation SUIT
root constraint SUIT bullets
canned beans SUIT arc
smoking SUIT brains un
written seed SUIT mask
ideas ,index ,SUIT swallowed
the animal bread SUIT viol
ence features snake SUIT
bam membrane toasted SUIT
bond eaten SUIT subjects
dribbled in the SUIT river
in the blemished SUIT kitchen
stemming SUET twist SUET
SUET brimmed the deep SUETSUET

With chunks from Jim Leftwich’s
Six Months Aint No Sentence, Book 69, 2014

the maps

on the DOGDOG roof hanging
skin DOGDOG to fly left
DOGDOG underfoot and
wheeling DOGDOG bare chill
DOGDOG the swarms of s
hoes DOGDOG bruised boo
ks infected leg DOGDOG
your bladder wall DOGDOG
signals nothing DOGDOG sun
glasses’ blank reflection DO
GDOG home ink DOG
DOG the loose ink the
DOGDOG ink the br
uised tickets DOGDOG
DIGDIG count the DIG
DIG signals giggling in the
DIGDIG dust the dust

With chunks from Ivan Argüelles’
“5 days counting”, 2014

the speed

SITSIT tropical inches lost
foot SITSIT breeding in the
shifts SITSIT grief fever
luggage SITSIT like voice’s
distance SITSIT recalculation
sleepy maps SITSIT smeared
with corn SITSIT milky sand
wich rising from the SITSIT
dung SITSIT drifts of feat
hers SITSIT faded ginger
ale time SITSIT the spine
growling SITSIT water ac
hing in the SITSIT motel
your aztec radio SITSIT
arrow dust SITSIT time
walks SITSIT the chair’s
worn SITSIT rag something
whirs SOTSOT dispersing
tunes SOTSOT bitten in
the SOTSOT unfurled sky

With chunks from Ivan Argüelles’
“Joe the Navajo”, 2014


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