Sunday, March 2, 2014


mes poches crevées nos
talgia’s sense of cos
metics et verse dans son
ombre the sandy pockets
un tas fumant lost in the
greater wheel dégorgez
dans les selves the Other
Bedrock les palais morts
together in this dream les
niches de planches des birds
the teacher of Teotihuacan hap
pened all at once pantins ,vent
iloques my poem blafard
bathing in the dead bride who
fait caca in memory of des
anges sand bruit flying
saucers failed syllables
puis disparaît within the
map l’eau meuble sans
fond the mortal traffic                
les couches prêtes
the paper nonsense returns
all murs all things chierons
dans la gorge cravatée

“...a whole plateful of this muck.”
- William S. Burroughs

Made with slivers from Ivan Argüelles’
“the twins”, 2014, and poems by
Arthur Rimbaud

the perfect

intense brownian entities all
gone shaking streaming gods
drink at the stairway al
tered space and dropping
money beyond dimensions
of the note on the brimming
spot’s hot breath ,a six-foot
snarling rabbit hanged in
another galaxy’s mephitic
cameras and the girlfriend’s
strange white face armed
with an unplanned hologram
on the black ice’s eternal
BULLSHIT tricks in the
miasma imploding poison flow
ers heading straight for the
map a clock in a block of glass
dissolving ,uttering ,downhill
to the identities and the dark
lake ,circular ruin ,type
writer attached to your throat
:Tenochtitlan full of ashes a
dog’s pink head fish
baked and swimming in a
metal-lined cubicle

“...todo ano-nadado, o sea, con el
culo en el agua...”
- Leonardo Padura

A swarm of chunks from Ivan Argüelles’
“the map of the universe”, 2014 &
William S. Burroughs’ My Education: A
Book of Dreams, NY: Viking, 1995 


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