Monday, February 17, 2014

el elote

i s peeds i s ent eritis
where my itchy ear my co
w arm f lees a cross yr
ch es t eeming spells the
sílaba ,siloed ,sailed into
the hissing heard  .]inside
the radio an ear of corn[


the boot

my mirrored head ash my
...not here  ...the crazy
lake laugh  ))jars pulsing
in the silt(((  yr conten
ido fatídico it’s the nor
te ,b lanco ,in revisible
vertido oditrev ni ,ángulo
,s troked a cross the mu
ddy sink re flexion my

                          eye  n  burnt

the vomited toast

. swelling . sneeze . clod or .
comb . ice fold . eh eh eh .
my twister . in your dogged
folder . boom where ,lawn
... the twice coughed ,your
. bigger face . what’s che
wed .    ?

                       ...bolus ,nap...

the drinks

should the shapeless laun
dry lunch should the sm
ouldered file where yr yap
ping mask decays should the
should er should the crawling
sleeve troubled like a snake
or dog dripping in the lake
¿sh ould e write the smoke your
face revealed?

         ...was los t  ...and we ave s


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