Monday, July 22, 2013


roller shirking ,sh
irk and shriek ,nor
marbles turn be
neath the dribbling
temple where X
balanque rubs his
spots and counts
his head a vase
coiling in the wind
that string of words
their purpose use
lessness and corn
stalking up the s
lopes where the
folding tongues
wander the wh
itened roads

...sacbé ,tatuaje
de las caderas...


calambres y voces
of the penis water
neck of the gate lás
tima fenetral tus
tumbas shaking
was the wind logo
rrhea and the ret
iculated arm wa
ndered through the
sheets yes foggy
nights and res
tive clouds thou
ghtless twitch
at the edge of dawn

it’s the ice death the
boiling stones

el mojado

engomar ,matiz ,falo
pormenorizado ,y ,fla
co el túnel de mi b
oca con sus huevos
funerarios las llamas
me limpian los pies
.furnace crackers ,b
ones lit up cracklings
of the skin en el fon
do de la sierra arti
ficial  ¡o fecalito que
a saltos sube los pel
daños!  explícame los
timbres los elotes exp
lícame el fin del
lago circular...

...emportant ma hache vers d’autres continents
- Benjamin Péret


laundered thru the shadow
or your doggèd focus ,of
,gristle ,slog-heavy an yr
leg ,chewed my bleak thin
neck filled with light  .y
our compacted bulb your
slept dog behind the d
oor ,through the watery
cave toward feathered
dawn ,arf  .baked an
drowsed ,murmuring in
the stool viscous on yr
buried bomb  .half w
alked half waked h
alf loo ked an fin
gered the drained th
umbs left in yr pocket est du pays d’à coté...
- René Char


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