Sunday, July 14, 2013


angled lago de tu f
ocofo co mino rit
ual yr shapeless con
densation in my
boxer shorts ay pie
rna twtwittchy ccomo
hormiigaa en el sar
tén ,released upon
the shore an glassy
rain  .pawprints an
my shit-in shoes me
cagué la ruta sal
vadora something
dripping down the
furnace ducts
...palabras, palabras, palabras.
- Ulises Carrión


ectoplasmic “arf containm
ent ,an a pull mister ,mortal
afterplot a ,drumming in
your “rear  .tune ingestion
,pancakes ,doggèd clouds
failing to” resect a ,sh
irtless falling off the be
d dank raft  .where each
reduction foams like” he
...what in out what...


sure suiting ,bomber
runned and ,pilled your
tuna sandwich with a
fogbreathed fork your
smile  .a cawed one
was a ,pillow sinking
in the lake  )wind
and wallets ,toads(
spell my nostril thun
,der ,flagend ,por
tal steamy with a
turd a ,plate of oysters
.off your neck I
))sed(  )dock(  )moom(((((
...plancharme uno...



hombre portanto ,hu
eso transparente ,rust
ling fog inside the
pillow case where yr
dribbling leg jars of
dirt and spelt intes
tine alfabeto de va
por Ǫ acera translú
cida where yr “nombre”
wheezes through a pu
lled pork platt er
with yr indexed
slaw  .)))or a bleeding
hole explains beginning
...una gruesa flecha...
- Rafael Lamata Cotanda


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