Wednesday, March 13, 2013


itch lock ,d oubt
met er ,m ail e me
l eg g ash ‘s fogg
y sou p an c link
y on the d.u.s.t.y f
.loor a shadow o f
f cette jam be O
l’é pandre s ur le vis
age et )))n’ente ndre
rien((( en la cacacasa m.y k.ey’s h.
idden t.urd

- Jacques Dupin

Mirror of Hosiery

the door sock the
cog whistle the lo
ad missle the mu
sty fogcus wheely
apt aburned hopt
north untowelled
- eat your leg -
portion saddle
,fine inching t.w
at toward time
to twist a.way
.figure finished in
the sopa clim.ate
,with the sopping to
es crushed a.
gai.nst t.he jam.b

- Blaster Al Ackerman


lead or cheese yr na
sal eximpresso where the
“flaw dust inhale”s wh
at inti s hines be
fore “the s.tone” yr l
ack g ack ,s“tum
bled out a head”
an d“ropped yr
samm”ich :foam
y at the mou thing

...fromage, ordure...
- Petrus Borel Champavert

Mirror Circle

sieze the bray o cas
ti gate the one temp
le id or er ,I was
sagging in the tub .c
how congeals inside
the blood your fruit
intect ,apsy ,tree
d shower like a son
g a pile )and rint ,p
orkid ,file incendiation(
where yr whip pu ll re
gressed ,ingressed ah to
ward st art the c
lay again’s ,not d
one ,was aspirate ,was
bagging all the meats
.ay don Coyote ,im
plácame ,que el
fin no llegue ,que

porfin as, su águila...
- Rubén Bonifaz Nuño


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