Monday, March 11, 2013

Hot Sock Mirror

the issued sock or
sockissue thap doc
cument rote the
,ento gream muzzle
bear yr h arms a
loud .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ach .t wit ,the foc
used b lind ,g
runting in yr “sleep”
)(mirror)( O )(dog)(
)))))))))))) bubbbly bbusiness
and a hhummpping s
hoe bboiling on the
stebps ha .“the
steam she wrote ...... ”

f ck

...el agua, la aguja...
- Ramón López Velarde


the sea’s LINT CRIME
saw the sueño sordo ,subo
por un bosque libros mo
hosos en los troncos clavados
...ate what I ...frag mente...
...o... suelo de mi lengua
cupi ...r ...the swirling seeds ...f
BEACH tus huevos fritos

en el taco de tierra

...luz mortecina...
- Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera

Mirror of the Páramo

rake the phone hair the
nodding lake yr facial
cowl streaming back
the lip you ,lathered ,do
wn or upside ,the bra
wling moon atop the st
ones you kept inside
.fog and lint ,your jack
et open to the bull its
head current just p
ast’s you and chang es
.“left my drink your po
cket” )where the shad
owed coin’s sinking
toward your hole l


...lo perdido, güey...
- Juan Rulfo

Week Mirror

iowa death slaw mu
cous scrawls my
negck o stigcky col
lar ~ ~ ~ smeared wind
ow ~ ~ ~ eh horizon
tal snow =:=:=: : : : sm
udge of )trees?( across
the fields )soap and
diarrhea( )books an
greasy dust behind the
barcalounge ,soup-
soaked ,cloudy ,til
ting on the doghaired
rug )closed mine eyen(

)“heaved and breathed”(((((((((((((((((((


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