Thursday, March 15, 2012


nulo abis el mo tivo
asqueroso mis uñ tadas
as ,sangrantes≈ ,bri
lacustres≈ llan o mortí
mero fero el ~aire~ que
por el urbe des
nube ciende ,hen y
dido ~olor~ de oso po
drido ay selva in
y visible del valle
fur ni tivo som
mis breado como tel
éfono el estan su
quillo dado≈ en la es
quina iluminado ☼ la
mon de eda O aceite
mondada el mundo O que
~ r e s ~p~ i r o ~


fog≈ and leakers,,, the mons
mind ter mitey shaki
ng yr fo lube rk necky
,nor the re lab port my
sausage o o my gain tub
ed ,each of here ,pur
leg e an stic jerk ky
the shore≈ your where w
as it was )a nut( co
rot bbed an leecher
from the sep shut tic f
ull an ~coughing .acro the
ss street the dim doors
steam~ and wan off der
rematic like your wea
thered wind~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


a hill ∩ a nub a logo in
framatic fold yr ma
nta ░ sti with ff ≈flood
a lawn regur bowlƱgitation
.the rug ▒ sing knot le mot
∂ fut odd ile ni fun am
bulesque a sh in it∞ the
drow≈ park ning where I
entered in the stars ¶
)stairs and backhoes( d
ragged it up the locgo
cen bull tric dropped in
to the flushing≈ bowl a
long dull mirror Π and pl
unging of down the slope a
ro turd∞ lling


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