Friday, September 10, 2010


fork nap suit why scissors stream
stream fork nap scissors why suit
suit stream why fork nap scissors
scissors suit nap stream why fork
fork scissors why suit nap stream
stream fork nap scissors suit why
why stream fork suit scissors nap
nap why scissors dream suit fork
fork hat suit why stream scissors
scissors fork stream nap why suit
suit scissors why fork nap stream
stream suit nap scissors fork why
why stream suit fork scissors nap
nap why stream scissors fork suit
suit nap why fork scissors stream
stream suit nap scissors fork why

Food Fall

tail of cramping ,fuller on the t
rail my shunned fork turning back
,the caped soot teeters on my shoe
.bung hoe ,nap trust ,faulty scanwich
lousy with my ,encumbrance boot
,whipping faces clustered with the
dust mites ,spiders’ nomination walking
‘round the plate .bent behind my
belt the elote churns ,kernels of
“explosion” or’s just my nails
dragging down the wall

Bug Nap

the thumbing number cancellation oft
en cooing in my crotch a head numb
er countless afterclots a surge of
sehnsucht eats my digits fluttering in
a stream of light what’s gloom and
groom ,pormenorizado ,panted in the
lobby where a laptop burns .usual and
use less ,splayed my hand before the
spray that’s clouded from your
eyes a fog of numeration crisp and
ants chewing in my leg

Valor Muñeca de Culo

al principio, mira el movimiento extraño este, díme
lo que parece snot of mi stone mordida ¿no es?
tiene sed al despertar a clean
o lo que forkestral lo hace
zedo cups is blood
y ichestrella via the tablehat ex duck
los corpses feos longsung
sacar lenguas y sapos que se han escondido detrás
de la vejiga ahogada en the nalga
y se desmorona cortados dos veces la leche de
pierna que va por la tela
hunger stone of liver
como si
algún pendejo me manoseó mis snots

“Bum Worth of Wrist”
A Hack by Blaster Al Ackerman of John M. Bennett
Translated by John M. Bennett


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