Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Mouth Wall Mouth Wall Mouth
Wall Mouth Wall Mouth Wall
Mouth Wall Mouth Wall Mouth
Wall Mouth Wall Mouth Wall
Mouth Wall  URINE Wall Mouth
Wall Mouth Wall Mouth Wall
Mouth Wall Mouth Wall Mouth
Wall Mouth Wall Mouth Wall
Mouth Wall Mouth Wall Mouth


leaned way out

see the wall blablaeo for
tunal sin lentes sin mar
tillazo ladrigrimal mur
alla emplumada con mi o
jo con mi brick risen from
an open trench huesudo
weltered and my chch
atttered lunch drowning
,watered ,dreamed was
smoke impaction sweaty
in the ccold ccut grgrave

tronar ,garagafagal

I left

little fungus ,elder ant
erior re section where
the claw re refigures la fi
gura lo que te dices
no entiendes que la vida
es recuerdo de la muerte
little tongue little rabbits
little cancers in the air
were gnats que des
inflarán eran pulgas
fleeing the corpse fle
eing the se vered ey            e
flying toward the charred
garage door enfonça habilment deux doigts
de la main gauche dans l’orbite et
tira l’oeil...
- George Bataille

la forma del humo

cielo grisgris I have to
pee my window’s thro
at intension’s tiny house
returns re turns sin
bird slactivity sin l
THR ONE de fren
chfries shrivelled in
the llawnn I saw the
M I saw the W I
saW the Mouth the cca
anines gleaming in your s

L’urine est pour moi...
- George Bataille


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