Sunday, August 17, 2014


text .fly. text .fly. text
.fly. text .fly. text .fly.
text .fly. text .fly. text
.fly. text .fly. text .fly.
text .fly.  DRINK .fly. text
.fly. text .fly. text .fly.
text .fly. text .fly. text
.fly. text .fly. text .fly.
text .fly. text .fly. text



the deady dead

lint and sleep the
```”`````“  detail of st
icky pill ow heated in
your neck’s GROWLING
SHADOW caw caw  ddrink
the snsnore efffffusion un
ccoiling in yr ththroart ay
oot twtwitchy outside its shoe
yr gaze smarter but the dark
ladder burns against a

...when i may crowd at last
your wormy bed...
- Olchar E. Lindsann

la caspa

tousled storm’s ham mud
                                         muds the flailing sandwich
stomach’s jostled form the
stomach’s jjostltled fforrm
schedule seeping down the
wall will seeped and shape a
mmouthless face will said the
wind speaking in your dandruff
dust your ::::::: ddanddrufff’s
lesson book the boiling sand
wich door swollen in
its frame bursts and
dries and you ,your w
all of yellow dust

...buvant la flamme obscure...
- José-María de Heredia


the defective verb should th
icken was my leg will shall
ow ought might undermines
its tense or passing o’er and
conjugate the running lad
will flies at once will
eats the followed stair
would clamber up clam
ber down may smoke
arisen from the basement
where you will kicked the
horse the active nomin
ative faltered step the verb
sin nombre

told thought thriven thrown
thrust trodden waxen word
- William Hall, Encyclopedia of
English Grammar, Columbus, Ohio:
Scott & Bascom, 1850.


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