Friday, August 15, 2014

frac frac

yes you wore ,out th
e exegression loops yr
f/ºinger and uh honor
doubt pissing in the wine
was doubled dog entrance
ment al mohada em
papada WAS TH NECK
DRIPPED he.adless fo.
am blessée ave.c ta
gue.ule was wind ris
ing from the lower cave
donde ssale el río agua la máscara...
- John M. Bennett

strick in age

but what must comprised be
in the prefix TO a word thou
eatest surely die shalt destined
present use of ammunition
rusty under setting sun sh
all write by present you to hear
the will betrayed the will des
tine obliged my death my de
ath’s intransitive relection’s
original word denotes the fut
ile future past the clotted
window where my final
noodles stiff and dry

shot shrunk shred shut sung sunk sat
slain slept slidden slung slunk slit
smitten sown spoken
- William Hall, Encyclopedia of
English Grammar, Columbus, Ohio:
Scott & Bascom, 1850.

least puzzle

as ist er tod neck
the c rust s pee ds
the cr.ust o my
boiling s pan ref rain re
frame the buick RR~OILLS
my neck inside  ))useless
glob((  said fed dead s
it w.a.s this it wasn.t
,born to name the coff
in  Frank

...the wait the wait the void the wait....
- Olchar E. Lindsann


ola mot ola mot ola
mot ola mot ola mot
ola mot ola mot ola
mot ola mot ola mot
ola mot  G.RAIN mot ola
mot ola mot ola mot
ola mot ola mot ola
mot ola mot ola mot
ola mot ola mot ola



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