Thursday, August 7, 2014

~lo no~

~boca bosta boca bosta boca~
~bosta boca bosta boca bosta~
~boca bosta boca bosta boca~
~bosta boca bosta boca bosta~
~boca bosta  LUNGE bosta boca~
~bosta boca bosta boca bosta~
~boca bosta boca bosta boca~
~bosta boca bosta boca bosta~
~boca bosta boca bosta boca~



ay the donut’s lost fog the
double snake enhancem
ent st reaming hot oil your
fisted neck rattles money
at the blood curling from
yr neck ay circled hole
ay crumbs hopping in your
shoe ay bruma bosta
en la boca de la tierra
lie down the rocky beach
float your leg the one
that’s left right now the
grease is heaving in your lung
grease is hheaving in your llunnggg




ggristled moone ahn nort e
wendt ah nor te so huevón
plurilactante h ay chi
huahua y la luna hhori
zon tal al grgristle soon my
pockets’ mud will dried w
ill savor sur e mética me
siento mareado melting gris
tle tl tlepapalotl que ya
volverá a mi ojo a mi oj
oascua asco seco que mme
lts in my gristled skkuLL



resleeved the image f
lat c ore sw eating sh hoe
hh over ddirt llong wee
d long weed yr shadeless
leg lick the pile do g glue
he ads im age on yr b ack
back log crowded fog sl
sliding out yr shshirtttt

,dust ,eggs


d eft

if the corn if the
whens yr throat re
grow will grown
long dull blade

rag and wound


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