Tuesday, May 27, 2014


the blank excess lung foot
dog clashes in the index cloud
“gate” rebevortex through
the wandered shorts will
shape the pools reawakened
audiences dust and “word
dust” violence stunted
on the reeking mud flats
corn futurism was the
bumstead skulls will
slept half thought
another crap history
fake mortar humped
the endless breasts
bitter broadside swill
floods down your shirt
considered monkey hymn
jailhouse paper stage
leased the empty ball
points woof sheet sac
rificial image on the
shit-scarred sheets
tub ,woof ,tubes ,s
tab the curtains in
the spinal act those
strings ,c’est triste the
bombs drop like flow
ers bark wall clouds
ripe fork it was will
mist the rattling heads
was boulders crushing
spoons the stainless
corpse will swallow
all ideas was the books
of flaming horse or was
that puking delicacies will
mop the ant heap
archaic whiplash of
your slanted power
gumming print the
toilet paper with your
leg signage blffstxxx
housing in the empty
attic language was
foreclosure will the
suchness hegemon
disclose experiential b
uzzing in’s unerring
limbs the gnats

John M. Bennett, with splinters from
Ivan Argüelles’ “The Miasma” and
Jim Leftwich’s Six Months Aint No
Sentence, Book 74, 2014


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