Friday, May 23, 2014


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so the ink rat g
ristle thickens in
in yr walking half
alive half embedded
in the soap’s thick
ens ink sluffed
off half in
debted face half
desmoked an sh
ivering in a bank
was drugstore cr
owing night yr
walking through the
cameras drained of



sunk pump

blood the wheel fork
glamor wheel isn’t
was the blood thread
between yr teeth a
fork written so
up your wheel th
read will was a k
not a soup behind
yr apron’s insurance
logo stained with
blood detextive
mildew read yr con
tract turned into the

whereas the named above


sweat door fool bark list
mute bark sandwich thumb off
chain snore bark gland tree
loot bark snazzy groan tube
bark skin lint throaty dream
scald number grunt bark fan
cost wreath bark tub moon
drain mute tune sham bark
scene bark gnat comb knob
lube page bark can shadow



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