Monday, May 19, 2014


gnat door gnat door gnat
door gnat door gnat door
gnat door gnat door gnat
door gnat door gnat door
gnat door  mist door gnat
door gnat door gnat door
gnat door gnat door gnat
door gnat door gnat door
gnat door gnat door gnat



what tools

run away an ,tine
relapsement ,fog an b
lood nets the wall an
river ,catchment ,fin
ger colloidal rede
techment of yr sl
obbered shoe a g
reen embankment
red shining on the
face the camera
sleeps   a       a



your fist

bum coddler where his
knotted hand engage
the ladder burning in
his lap’s the space en
hancement for his wal
king out the one his n
odder evacuesence f
alling off the chair your
bottled blood constructs

its gun your neck its
shoe your fist



tease pill sweaty fog show
fork sweat pill tomb bomb
slobber pill shirt tub meat
comb sleep pork pill sand
factor slap pond pill nostril
wind pill nether dot sweep
pill number glum past dog
sneeze wall twister god pill
smoke cheese pill clock smelter
flag bean sword pill flock



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