Saturday, May 17, 2014


hormenor rumblactante pue
pues es ,ininverso de mi ca
cara inencaminada pu
es sí pues nno el lapso
flatulencia memetafí
sica del frijol dor
menorinfractante pues
tu ,clocloaca divi
dina es ,pirina has
pirante mis aguaguj
eros de la mamano
que la mumuralla del
vivistazo enciega NA
A DÁMe suero susu
ero que lo que didiré e
xexige su sal mi escu
cupitazo abierto com
o ojojo o ojo es o ojo
es o o jijito es tu

mano  orejona


c lock or

it rains outside yr
sleeve will dry in
side your soggy
book is flooding
in the parking lot
your whirling sleeve
your tousled face
will mask last
Friday’s Thursday’s
itching through the
water crawled yr
mud exflected syn
tax algae b
rightened in your
ear would heard
the thunder leg a
tremble in the
phone’s next suit

sim  p


lost runner suit suit’s cost
drip darkens car port tongue
wallet chilled wallet bush drip
sandwich red stain chills tire
amplification tired grocery cart fell
ants flying grey ants whisper
price collusion sandwich shrinks wet
lettuce gone running down lip
running salt dust gravel lettuce
red hand scrabbling pocket list




grave ham grave ham grave
ham grave ham grave ham
grave ham grave ham grave
ham grave ham grave ham
grave ham hole ham grave
ham grave ham grave ham
grave ham grave ham grave
ham grave ham grave ham
grave ham grave ham grave



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