Sunday, January 5, 2014

the rake

thru the lum b ered $lave e
vent yr sweet ccorrn phone
,nicely wwashing off the sw
eaty cap ,a splinter  .loose
lube ,ststroke ,the indentured
corporation ,of the genes ,a
,mist talking ,laeves and
,stem’s dry mystery a
vast “blind throat” ,sh
shoes and shshorts in a p
ile ,burning

$uit $lave
- McMurtagh & C. Mehrl Bennett

the wheel

s aid th e mu te mot h
at ,du st ris en in the
c lose t ‘s han ging ar
ms      the leg al mot
es ...or woo den f oot
...moldy rice glowing in the
fridge :your ash pool ,mel
ted s tone regodeo
de tus huevos ensoñados
en el des ayuno
regalé la b oca ......................O
...y...unas nalgas...
- José Lezama Lima


the swell

each wandered hole each
)abcess(   nodding door  -
and   )or “and”(  the ex
plosion in a shoe  )not
festered ,wind(  or spi
dery wheels gated ,your
ab sence’s greasy towel
,chicken bones burning on
the sidewalk ay yr swol
len rifle ,nostril and a hand !

...estigmate ,kinda runny...


the a

bort ,b time ,mmate mm
ount ,“a” clambersome
walking out  .was left “a”
snsnort “a” d ripping cl
own “a”  )wizened leg
rotation(  where the wrong
left rite wobbled and t
orqued in the suitless

...bolted sn out ,uh...


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