Wednesday, September 11, 2013


towels and corn ,my
eachless leg your rug
,if sticky ,contains a
,hosed not flagged ,wh
at scribbles in ,flu
shed and swirled ,the
b owl’s beak of war ,all
pointed toward yr
,but swallowed ,boiling
neck  .‘s creamed down
stream ,was ash ,a
tongue the current ,r
anting ,lapped ,that s
lick white shore
.the kernels ,in 
sweaty fabric w
rapped ,hold the
liq ,if changing quid
,tale   ‘   ‘  ’     ‘    ’    ‘   

...glimmered on green waters...
 H. P. Lovecraft



shoe ,the fraught dog’s
shit’s sweetened sole ,a
crap comp action toward
,if dreamed ,the fragrant
lunch ,a bowl of pho
,nemes c lanked ac ross
the cuad erno ,donde
mi lencgua cahminaba
con un pie descalzo  .f
rénétique ,plusieurs voix
‘,vol des dents ,me bar
king are ,where I
sat down ,the double
s ticks ,my m out h f
raming ,were roads \?
,ending in my sweaty
fist  :and wheezed be
hind the lungless door

...el pecho pasaba de silbo
a soterrado retumbo...
- José Lezama Lima

ig nition

en gina y ,motor ,de
hesperar el fhin ...tu
lhumen ,g ears an eyes
,the teet h ang in’s
bucket’s escupitazos y
vendajes you went des c
ried ,the key ,b ent ,om
ological m ask ,star
ter screeching y noh
se mueve nhada ,ges
ticulaciones del escen
ario a la puerta ,incom
prensibles ,humo ,gnats
,que sube por un harbol
,el pain de mi pecho
uhna ahspirina es
,soaked in gasoline

...the moony zhoomer glimmers...
- James Whitcomb Riley


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