Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Espejo Textual

me levanté el pie la
tuerca rutilante en
focada ,de mi paso
,madera incuadrada ,fun
erales HASTA EL
NORIZONTE donde el
foso lleno de lhibros
me cierra sus ojos
)para que yo los habra
ll( ,pisacoteca mo
hjada y hamarillesca
¿k quieres k “es” k no
dhices k es ,loh k se
rehvuelca en el lhago?

...los libros espiralizantes...
- Jorge Luis Borges

Ice Mirror

en inch fogcus saw ,welt
er o’ ,negcks ,tumbas y t
umbas ,y sueño norteño ,p
layas y nieve ,mis lhentes
hestrelladas )pa k vea
mejor( my cabezota o
calababosta congelada mas
thawed )slobp slhiding
down the stebps( ‘twas
the hend idura for ,uh
,“me” who saw I sc
raped into a hole £ .the
north ,where the w
ill nhever twalk .
).relocution ,pie ,spec
tacles bleeding on the
sand and snow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, j

...muralla de hielo...
-Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera

Mirror of the Drowned

yr lost gristle form yr n
asal flab shudddered air
ingagement towering to
ward the “ “road”‘s angled
shadow sm,,,eared ,li,ke
b,lo,od issued in the sin
k k )3 o’clock( jus
t smell the words’ ” b
ending th.irst .cow T
ongue , ,lhake
.w.ant to fol.low
lin.e .───────. .“rus.t ubp my negck”

...libérame... the stream...
- H. P. Lovecraft

The Mirror Speak

my neck inflation laun
dry – gristle-free – user
contradiction stapled in
my ear my suit able sw
allowed cloud of gnats
detergent focused on the
sun my after-howl nos
tril trailing was your
spindex alpha-dryer just
forgot you say ,my s
poke balloon bangs a
gainst the flagpole b
angs again I heard the
cadunce heard the b
loods ththudding in my
jjaw yourr sppeech I
kakakked up to you camisón de hule.
- Manuel Acuña


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