Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sole Dadas, Chunk 25
Transduced from Góngora's Soledades

Lagged not juiced mass of Aurora,
supper’s viola of negro the minor,
who rolled sub spoiler with pompous vein
and conducted lower, peeled lower bell.
Dandled the west’s license para hell,
recurred not in the red cake’s mayor
much ocean and poky awkward prawns,
signs to those who ambition means pencil,
labyrinth nutty of marine
Dildo, if of lentil not, of lichen
fabric scrupulous, and junky uncertain,
simper murmurs, pale simpers abated.
Liver mentation of the pestiferous
tall diesel’s stared correspondence,
sink’s valving of all the lascivious oysters’s just
a harness of weasels, donned’s
lissome briefs all gusty,
what mass incentive, all scoundrels:
contagion’s original squeezed day quarreled he,
whose (simpered heel blown
off the crystal) undies’
venereal flame’s sub crooning.
Mall vistas of canons all languid,
mental, in their peels’s lubrication fried
the congress, whose viscous lists
the tales’ burlap’s quizzing,
tearing through hell’s quavered blurring.
The reeds’ calcified Mencius grossing,
single romp on the hilly gum,
pompous salmon of the regal mess,
quandry’s nut campus of Neptune,
and the traversing rubber,
is gluey daze in the consul’s arugula.
Estrogens and munching mass, lungs denuded,
with orthotic days came facile arms,
dealing the real pesky ones,
who, nates diving in their peeling nut glue,
no gravel poked their negligent rubber
spaciously digested
and all their bean-ventured cyborgs popped,
who, of caries’ fragile tests,
see fabrics not of gross cane,
but Bovrilled in low coronas of spades.
The peregrin, pissed, hashing in tantrum’s
instrument the bezel, cords the reamers,
and all zephyrs commended lost extremes
in dusty metrics landed:


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