Tuesday, September 20, 2011

doubledelbuod at the fone com
batant chubby sorearms nested
in your garmeant bag )≈( aw dr
ink my arcunition ]folder[ s
cent foredex counted off my sing
le shoe ¬ the rustling gum be
neath yr nalgas ¡o masticazo!
)o lentil rattly in the luggage o(


slumber naped across the nap
stir red Johnee’s suit l
int • • • writ a thorny fo
g testicalicon it’s storms
pupulsing in the thought loo
p p p en denticle my
slotted dog bent tie my
thirsty legging thru yr soup

blundered formanclouds why
nevered chafed the jumpy
one is Johnee nor my aa
spiration dust was swirl
ingg through yr ...commb... o
void blinky bulbb and slee
pless suit of chhairs h )is
oovulatioon torn among the fogg


near angchor burnt the
toil et sppoon’s my thun
ndder crawling knew the
shoot what’s off a buz
zzing nostril and yr
limmper line of ttime
fuzz •≈• his labeled la
bio ,labor de lomo lenticular

is itchy is a cracking
rib is ,scissors in your
shirt is sandy pap
er in your shorts is sky
quivering in the light

esto es ,ni culminente
,es tumbo tumba es
reminiscencia es rin
cón con guijarros es
agua invisible echa
ndo luz y chispas
por tus sobacos

endo lento ,cornice dry an
beeswarmed ,rice an lun
chmeat crowned with flies
your absceso rígido tus cal
zones de frijoles llenos

sortilegio de fuetes y
mis tunas se pudren
stinky tongues crowded at
the gate :Π: mi piso pes
ado mas sigo ,tieso y
flojo like frozen air


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