Monday, May 9, 2011

Teats Lust

teets the long half beet shut
spoon bomb my hiss seat fell
chew subtle lake dent feet the
log shaped meet heet lunch can
grejo )seal( my faucet dung chambered

boom lab the peat throat seizure
shot neck )stubble( and a look
creet in oztotli un eet río )pau
se( lugar del agüita atlatlan
)moss and( )neat( jumper fork

stir your tomb lobe hustle gak
sense leap the cheat hog send
gun senda congoja farm deet lente
pulcro tlacatiliztli )dung nest(
the paso doble least gut the fly

chaser gland bleat dork shadow
leef )shudder( blot span ice
pañuelo suckage keep the clot
coughed ash and light a reed
er got a “name” a blunder lust

Scuttled Luggage

luggage nest the soap lunch or lur
ch grass meal ah hot halfer )cho
ke( r maet the mast )l
oom( away entrance d chert c
lack ity crac ity mine dog hip

loot loot walks away the mud mas
ter smoke swirls on the sstteppss
my hung )lagke( smells the shitt st
link log cash )a float((( chews an
d eyes my heel rinsed air

droo led a cross the room th
e )moo n uts( ...b lank a way
c rash spit s inna mouth bea
k foam lower ]mon th[ e bean
snore pudd les of gl ass comb

teatless air dream muzz le d
otty bloat ed thigh list my
f lag aw ay numbly greased
me slali vrate c lung the em
pty w all ladder clasp scuttl es

my snot sugar
your wool

mutter in your thumb

knack ,float ,sprawl
die and thin


the shut cloud

dreamm hhumm

dragging the dream
flagging the foam
ring me up

≈meat net≈

the bag drag
the f o g g y

͜͜͜win͜͜d = =

drunk tooth sport
sock meat fence

the crusty wall the

nodding the nostril



e bulate
em nek

ud mork

dostril fence the

“you little shaver”

Neblina Blanca

yepit was not yack tree heel
shutter nap the sink dream ah
mister! knack and float yen
rice toalla mi mistral tuerca
costanada sentido de loomer wasp
the trice throated “thrice” glob
sat plunger sopa de ))fideos((
)shirtless( tanta caca mástil
nor tempted shat a hill nos
tril nape )nate( cluster and
niggardly spread )tome flood(
white tomb mobbed warm )ob
sidiana( yauhtli itztli )dang
fog( ( ( ( ( (


rite of gas a “lake” user
neck the door flake tool
shit in shoe flower path see
ms )crusty( like vest a
snore fuel a mice time the
raw lung nates and gruel
spell the pill the napkin
slaps the spillage the well
rule and late sung CAW
the dime ice a dual shore a
nest hike )dusty( crea
ms wrath tower glue in pit
fool gate nor the “check”
loser crate of ash of bite


the stable stabbed corn
phone swirling luck cow
my heat hat my neck lung
lawn balls into the “creek”
leaf wool not risible
sluffing the comb stall staple
slab and storm my tone tur
ning duck ,now why eat that
dry stack hung dawn’s walls
lint cheek )thief( stool clot
in visible stuffing the form
. . . . crawl . . . . .


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