Friday, May 6, 2011


the duck lather mumbled in
the pest lather muted in
the cream lather mocked in
the gnat lather morning in
the cuke lather moulting in
the cluck lather mucous in

Yes Joking

clunk the clock ahead the spina bifida
slave the clock ahead the rafter insect
jaw the clock ahead the pustule floater
mime the clock ahead the tumbled loot
file the clock ahead the sample diarrhea
jab the clock ahead the flag insertion

Bong Bong

nor butter dusts
temp spool nor
nor clog link
passed flue nor
nor ship step’s
basalt lube nor
nor blood shape
crushed air nor
nor ding dog
craw pool nor
nor dub spout
spin shirt nor
nor gak said
utter utter nor
nor whips sock
lint cloud nor
nor puzzle mildew
creaming index nor

The Muttered Moat

the lung the loot the lamp the
lint the page the sore the
tumbrel spitting dust the
sock lamp smoking in my
indecision ay mis nalgas
fosforecentes como jejenes
y tu cloaca vuelve a tomar
la lista cadavérica .the
stung the boot the stamp the
hint the cage the door the
lumber splitting just a head the
damp stroking in your inprecision
ah neuralgia foaming in the
heavens !your coat vermin
tomes your vista cawed and
veering toward the circled wall

Last Words

train the shoulder to refrain
boil the lipid to reply
scratch your coffee for the blister
time the shadow to your dribbling
soil the hats to shiver
drop the foamer to your thinking
fill your hairdo with the engine ticker
crawl the ant light to return
shut the pencil to my sheet


hut the hump

sure “t”

nek ed
nik ol

drink )it( upin


renting sky I
slaw fingered

sh)ape(d so)me(thing

the drive way the
door the clot
the chain steam the
mute the neck

puzzle storm
my nap mustard

raw muzzle
thumb looot
past the grass

my snore gristle
tus cajas flojas
tri nita rio

user grunts
the craw lens

misty muscle

you under
game sp

nodding of

odder an
flake tunnel

the shirk

doc dog
as de volets

)le vol(


lo mismo de ,el agua in
visible ,mi calzado canoa can
grejo o mis güevos pusil
ánime sin cornisa piel de
vidrio chalchihuite calzon
cillos per didos en el aire
rápido ráp ido me fuí insis
temizado )insisto( mi not
iciario azu carado mi re
cuerdo for nido de cata
falcos el menú gotea mis
pantalones se disuelven


lán guido )peso algo( trini
tario o las 5 direcciones )sen
tidos( mi ojo verde mi ojo
rojo la pulsera gangrena an
illo o hueso gorra trans parente
subida en tu pie )muralla( o es
calera )sopa( )jabón( mer
ienda de burbujas biliosas
)sangre o suéter( mi chaleco
de piel de la amada me abrí el
ojo derecho y derecho no ví
el )izquierdo


lo sismo lo torna sol la
craca mantid su perior in
trépido sub marino tú
mulo )tumor( “tundente”
mis labios ensangren tados
todos los estím ulos
sur gen del agua fútil
forma ¡qué lata! que de
sistematización )pies de
piedra y pluma el telé
fono en llamas verdes ay


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