Friday, December 19, 2014

the slathered fist talks

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gritty window

a gatas por el comedor

un em budo sa
bor de hie lo
misismo da
do en gas
tado en la

don’t drink no coffee

sneeze h ay
er metido me
ar az úcar
eyen my chee


you clean it up

t ouch the comb n
ex t hair’s cloudy
sky yr after-storm re
lented ,relentless b
ook dripping off the ch
air’s damp sea t I
said I said I said yr
)glow ered f og(   )in
in hails( (  (   (    (     (      (


jumped the fence

the su ited for
k ask et ym
ology of rab
bi ts k tis
tis sha pe
less ‘tis sh
apeless wall
owing in the
s ilky f ire

o rased the me
at mea  T


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