Sunday, June 29, 2014

la vuelta

an half the sleeve IS in
cornered laundry laundry
IS or was refrained ,the
IS was turned an turning
in the empty shirt y
pantalón IS spread and
ISIS licked were half the
sky IS crawled and booms
across ISISI empty in
IS full ISI IS here rem
embers where the sleeve unfol
ded was was IS was IS was IS

Gira la esfera en el pedernal del tiempo...
- César Vallejo


said floating lunch
for ked thro at
cash ,mud loot ,c
rime go al ,most
lo que verás
hace 10 años
hace 10 años
ate the stone
your green mou
th ya abierta ya
cerrada meat
will enter leg
will enter water
water ten
edor tu
forking wave



roof the lender
age strumming
flattened cows’
edge consideration
cleft behind the
gutters rush with
pee I fog you
borrowed tocarás
ayer la moneda
meollo de un día
de una día dia
crónica en el
techo ronca
dusty milk
dries on the shin
gles prestamista
ddoubted fface
grifo que emerge
de la boca




cloud leg cloud leg cloud
leg cloud leg cloud leg
cloud leg cloud leg cloud
leg cloud leg cloud leg
cloud le  drag face  g cloud
leg cloud leg cloud leg
cloud leg cloud leg cloud
leg cloud leg cloud leg
cloud leg cloud leg cloud

ga  c


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