Wednesday, June 25, 2014


agua seca agua seca agua
seca agua seca agua seca
agua seca agua seca agua
seca agua seca agua seca
agua seca llama seca agua
seca agua seca agua seca
agua seca agua seca agua
seca agua seca agua seca
agua seca agua seca agua



fom ética

act ual y the
lead in vent o
true mañana ex
pliqué what’s lo
que was c’est
actuel le temps
e metique’s full
pl ate the c
hewed tragado
agua es o era
de mirada de
trás la puerta ab
en cerrada o
tu brazo esple
gada que mis
fauces llenará
was the faucet
desbord ante de
la calavera

na  lgas


fill the fog with hats
crowd away the deep
neck counted in the
thundered rain will
coughed all down
stairs was still the
foam ahead fallen
from yr face a
cup of hair and
pain your eye in
hales what’s cut
inside yr liver
like the grunting
fork will twisted
explanation was
plain and shuffling
toward the road

rip  ps



dim wave school shot dog
mist comb lung flation mask
tongue gate sleep roof milk
thang tongs mate cloud soon
peel flock cog rate sample
boil muck send fly dripper
scald spool steam drying duck
roof mule silent slam melt
snore crud mute fork slime
neck spore spins flat time



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