Tuesday, June 10, 2014

e  ven

each form leaked
pocket sticky struck
your leg his frilly
de construction sl
uffs before a he
avy gold door
toilet running
night was st air
way de cons tricted
with those bags to
morrow leaks
your ear he fum
bles in yr poc
ket’s egg salad
sandwich halv
ed gotea got
eada in formado

tor  ta


metnal gas

seed storm lunch the
steps’ drip \ fold
half dog /  ah puch
eros face rattling
con el humo puro h
umo del ano na
dado  lo anó nimo
)me comía una
cacaburguesa sal ori
nosa y(  un trueno
que me subía la es
calera belching p
late intestinal ay
menudo rico de
semilla my sitzing
inna chair ree
k jetted out his
nose la cala
vera bor bo
tante es pum

hu  eso  be  vido



quit lumpy span folder died
cheaper loot tempo fans remote
fallow beach clocks spoil thin
succotash redressed sits atop stone
fart pile gate plunger screen
nest licks fawn neck crowd
nest circle spends fought dorm
ant dollar thieves fast scorn
member distant leg rotting sun
thumb glasses crack last eye




spelt seen a
flume born tamp
on rub
ber you in hale’s
intactile      shrouded
damp wrist inde
                           after all



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