Saturday, February 1, 2014

the sword

the leaky nest is the forked
heel the slab steam where
the green stone nest’s for
king heel leaves the mat
behind’s the head barks
around the door which
the head will be the steam
will be the door barking
at the laundry chute the
doormat curling like a
laundry list the list of
falling what you did will
do will never

lunch was sliding down the steps

the snow

the leave shape the cone the
wrassling in the claw index
leave to say what has sh
aped will shape the ,bone
spreading in the lake which
sweating is ,which tax reform
dreamed in the muddy bot
tom ,your claw your inching
shirt the yellow tree puts
on your bone writing the
sky  .the ax spells all
directions  your bloody but
tons eat the stars the stains
at the end of words

...who has his own ax...
- Temple of the Four Lintels,
Chichén Itzá, year 881

the mirror

my shoe in the water
nods in the water in
the water was the air a
ball point pen the end
was pen dulous in the
water’s water was the
stone tree the green
stone tree was my
leg my leg’s water
leafing the path the path
was leaving left ahead
which was before
behind the water was my
nodding hand my lifeless
book alive and soaked
beneath the tongue


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