Thursday, January 23, 2020

roof of ants

the horrors of poetry I scribbled
uh snore behind the nightlight
flat wind your head returns a
page's funneled gasoline a
dog's neck impaled with
tooth upheld by lint eats yr
fecal ghost and sandwich hair
yr bundled jaw isolation it's a
drip a d rip a d ri p a
dark field of mouths closing
)fauces jaguaríficas( las
monedas de tu estar imposible
tu estar es )encía
de agua de aguja informática
)rana de humo donde me hablaba
la boca )la boquita de termita
que me bisbisea el calendario(((
ENTRADA del pelo de la PELUCA
fútil infértil - en bolsa de plástico
y ojitos cerrados que me explican
el fofondo del mar tillo


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