Saturday, June 9, 2018

plunger ,face

the dream of rhubarb pie
is a hole at the calendar's
center the calendar is a river flowing
back is a highway at the edge of the
burn zone

stuttering what else comes to ear
pulse plasm despair the light
ceilings unobtainable thrombosis
brain in name invented heat
distributed in cycles to lovers
you the hive of yellowing otherness
mind asleep in its arm syntax
hair shorn overturns rain
postulates of invertebrate chaos
galactic wave darkening
homonyms lightning comets as
terisms' tongue running out
of its mind get to the mortuary
driving her clock's smoking text
[condensate of Sonnets 20-27 by Ivan Argüelles]

volcán del calendario que me
abre la cara la caraquítica la
caratónita que no entiendo
con mi codo ni mi nudo desnudo

tongue smoking
condense river masks
spit in the books
como rabos de rana derrumbados”
[Mario Santiago Papasquiaro]

reverts the ecaf yr) ¨


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