Tuesday, October 24, 2017

the winded blood

“wind in the blood” 's hah
“time” infarction stray hairs
waver in's last breath's br
eezey voice “internal dropsy
of the brain” congeals yr
skull )was ants climb a tower(
“dead earth upon the earth” )P.B.
Shelley( I sprayed a deed and
cowered in my dusty mouth it's
wrinkled fog peed and crawled
“all was empty air” )P.B.S.( was
a sandwiched knife will be the
bed of frogs and stones “their
brains knocked out” )P.B.S.(
my blowing silence “le mot
fenêtre un mur le bouche”
)Paul Éluard(

''...ídiot-like he stands...

- Percy Bysshe Shelley


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