Sunday, September 6, 2015

3 Inexplicaciones of Dreams of Bibiana Padilla Maltos 3

el bostezo

el sueño del alba es el
sueño del albañil que se
dormita en la tina la
tina no será el sueño
de los libros de cordel
sino el sueño de tu
cara en una bolsa de
henequén la bolsa fué
el sueño olvidado del
sueño inútil de los
zapatos gastados

the fish

the dream of your children was
the dream of your lunchmeat
covered with hair it's the
dream of a doorway open to the
heat while the air conditioning
streams out the dream of the
heat is the dream of many
hands caressing your chest and
the dream of a motor
humming low in a basement

the interpretation

the dream of your mother-in-law
is the dream of finding your
place in the checkout line the
line is your dream of sleep in a
kitchen full of cigarette smoke the
smoke the dream of knowing
something certain but having
no idea what it is


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